Do Corgis Shed?

corgi shedding

The much-beloved Welsh Pembroke Corgi has been a member of the Royal family for almost a decade and has become quite popular because Queen Elizabeth II has had more than 30 Corgis in that time.

The Corgi breed did not begin as royalty as far back as the 10th century, but as herding dogs used for rounding up cattle and guarding them against predators.

They were excellent cattle herders, able to keep cattle together by moving swiftly, weaving in and out, and nipping at their heels to get them to comply.

By the 19th century, many farmers began working with sheep instead of cattle and the Corgi does not work well with sheep.

There are many other breeds much more suited to herding sheep, so their popularity as herders waned a bit.

Corgis first appeared in dog shows in 1925 and also eventually caught the eye of the Royal family, thus piquing the interest of families in this cute little spunky dog. Today the Corgi makes an excellent family pet and not just for royalty.

Because Corgis were bred for herding in many types of weather, they have a thick double coat. If you’ve been considering adding a Pembroke Welsh Corgi to your family but are concerned about shedding, look no further.

In this post, I will answer the question, “Do Corgis shed a lot?” You may think that since they are small, they shed minimally.

If the answer to that question is yes, I will provide information on how to minimize Corgi shedding.

Do Corgis Shed
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For your dog’s vitamin supplement, foods, toys, or other dogs product please visit the Health Extension website.

Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

And the answer is….. Yes! Unfortunately, the Welsh Pembroke Corgi does shed a lot. They are considered among the breeds that are heavy shedders, even though they aren’t that big. Small but mighty in everything including shedding!

The Welsh Pembroke Corgi has a double-thick coat like many breeds, especially those that were bred specifically for outdoor work.

Some other double-coated breeds are the German shepherd, Siberian Huskie, border collie, Australian shepherd, Labrador retriever, golden retriever, and Newfoundland, all hardworking dogs, used for herding or hunting in all kinds of weather.

The Corgis double thick coat consists of an undercoat that is soft, dense, and wool-like, for insulation and a top coat of medium length.

In dogs, it makes no difference the size of the dog or even the amount of fur they have as to how much they will shed.

The Dalmatian and the beagle don’t appear to have an overabundance of fur, yet they are heavy shedders.

The double-coated breeds like the Welsh Pembroke Corgi, do shed all year long, but shed very heavily two times a year during shedding seasons in spring and fall and is sometimes referred to as “coat blow,” In fall they lose their summer coat as their warm winter coat grows in and in spring they shed their winter coat to make way for a much cooler summer coat.

The undercoat of your Corgi insulates them against both the heat and cold, regulating their temperature and keeping them comfortable all year long.

To check your Pembroke Welsh Corgis’ health status or their DNA checks, please visit the Embark vet website for all the help you may need.

Do Corgis Shed A Lot?
Image by Elena Rogulina from Pixabay

How To Minimize Corgi Shedding

Since you are considering an adorable Corgi as an addition to your family, and now you know that they shed a lot, there are many things you can do to minimize shedding and keep up with it.

Being consistent is the key to being orderly and not being overwhelmed by most things in life. Any dog requires consistency in training, grooming, feeding, veterinary care, etc. Consistency will also be required to keep shedding under control.

Something to consider if you are an allergy sufferer, and allergies are severe, is that the Corgi may not be the right dog for you and may not be in your best interest.

In allergies, fur is not the problem, dander is. Dander is dead skin that is also shed but unfortunately, it comes off along with the shedding fur.

Heavy shedders will shed more fur and dander as well. If you have milder allergies, you may be able to swing it. Below are tips to minimize shedding for anyone considering this wonderful breed.

  • Brushing

Brushing is a must with all dogs but necessary to keep up with the shedding fur of your Corgi. Brushing at least 2 to 3 times a week when not in shedding season should be sufficient but brushing your Corgi more often or even every day during spring and fall shedding may be required.

I know that this sounds like a lot of brushing but daily brushing will actually cut down on brushing time in the long run and minimize fur around your home.

Using a slicker brush is great for everyday brushing while using an undercoat rake during the 2 times a year “coat blow” will help immensely.

The undercoat rake pulls out all of the loose dead furs very efficiently. Many pet parents also like the popular Furminator, which is a great de-shedding tool.

Use pet wipes or a damp cloth after or between brushings to wipe away loose flyaway fur. Brushing outdoors also eliminates fur from gathering indoors.

how to reduce shedding in corgis
  • Bathing

Of course, your Corgi will need baths, especially if they are outdoors exploring a great deal of the time.

With bathing, you just want a clean dog, but you also don’t want to bathe too often to wash away natural skin oil that protects both skin and coat.

Timing some baths during the shedding season is a great way to loosen and remove dead fur in the bath and even quicken the process.

Always use a mild dog shampoo and a natural or oatmeal shampoo is good for Corgis skin. Never use people’s shampoo on your Corgi no matter how healthy it claims to be.

If you begin bathing your Corgi as a puppy, bath time should be easy. If bath time is too daunting, you can always enlist the services of a professional groomer.

  • Swimming

Although Corgis are not one of those retrieving water dogs like the Chesapeake Bay retriever, they can swim and some love it!

If your Corgi likes to swim this is a win, win situation! Swimming will also loosen and loose dead hair to be shed. Always rinse your pup off after swimming and towel dry.

  • Diet

Because what your pup eats affects their health, it also affects their skin and coat. Often, excessive shedding can be due to their diet. Make sure their food contains all the essential vitamins and nutrients to support not only their overall health but skin and coat too.

shedding Around the House

Just as you invest in pet supplies for your pup, invest in a good vacuum cleaner complete with a HEPA filter and tools for cleaning furniture, nooks, and crannies.

There are many great vacuums out there made especially for the pet parent in many different price ranges.

Having a good and reliable vacuum to suck up all of that fur will make it snap and save time. This will allow more time for fun with your Corgi!

How To Minimize Corgi Shedding
Image by Szabolcs Molnar from Pixabay

Over Excessive Shedding

If you feel as if your Corgi is shedding way too much all year long, perhaps even showing some bald patches this is not normal shedding and it’s time to make a visit to your veterinarian. Some causes of excessive shedding can be:

  • Nutrition

If your pup is not eating the right nutrients, this can definitely show in its skin and coat. Their food should be rich in protein, vitamins, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Underlying Condition

Some medical conditions can cause dry skin, dry coat, loss of fur, and bald patches such as hypothyroidism.

  • Allergies

If your Corgi has allergies to food, environmental allergens (pollen, dust, etc.), or fleas this can also affect skin and coat with itching and scratching causing a loss of fur.

  • Stress

Dogs can become stressed by new and changing events in your household such as a new baby, death, etc. Just as humans lose hair from stress, so can Corgis.

The bottom line is that your Pembroke Welsh Corgi will shed and you can’t stop it from happening.

You can control the shedding by following the tips above. If at any time you think your Corgi is shedding way too much consult your veterinarian.