If you are considering adding an Australian shepherd puppy to your home, congratulations! They are a wonderful mix of brains and looks, being highly intelligent and quite the exquisite, stunning breed in appearance.
This is a great choice but first, you must pick a responsible breeder and choose just the right pup from the litter.
Australian shepherds generally have around seven puppies in a litter but can have from six to nine also. Usually, first litters are on the low end and after that, the breeding pair produces more puppies.
Which one to choose? Decisions, decisions! If you’re going for eye color, the puppies will have blue eyes after birth but some may change color or get darker as they develop and some may not.
They may even have two different colored eyes! Puppies may exhibit one color coat or a few different colors and display various markings that may have a marbled look.
The color and patterns of their coat will not change but may darken somewhat as they get older.
After you choose your adorable puppy, it’s time to take them home. One thing to remember is that although Australian shepherds are smart as a whip, puppies don’t come already trained.
Yes, the puppies are completely adorable and cute, all fluffy and soft but the training is all up to you.
Most likely as soon as you take that squeezable furball into your home, you may look down, gasp and say, “where did that puddle come from?! Uh oh! It may get worse with an extra special “present” on the floor too.
Your Aussie puppy may suddenly not be appearing so cute now! This means it’s time for potty training, which should begin immediately.
This post will be all about Australian shepherd house training and Australian shepherd potty training issues.
Never fear! All new puppy parents experience this time and even though it may not seem like it, it will be over before you know it.
Get your paper towels and mop ready and read along for tips and some magic tricks to house training.

Australian Shepherd House Training 101
Housetraining does not have to be stressful or include rocket science. Remember, your Australian shepherd puppy will grow quickly and will only be a puppy for a short period of time.
You just need two important mindsets to make house training easy and successful and they are patience and consistency. Below are steps for house training your Australian shepherd puppy.
- Bathroom area
Even before you bring your new puppy home, designate an outdoor area in your front or back yard to be your pup’s bathroom area.
Don’t make it too far away from your house, but decide on a location and stick with it. Keep this area clean.
Try to clean up number two piles as they occur. Dogs like a clean bathroom just as you do. This also prevents tracking a mess into your house.
- Schedule
When you bring your pup home, you should keep to a schedule to make a smooth transition. Designate times for feeding, potty, and exercise/play.
This schedule does not have to be so regimented that is exactly at the same times every day. Flexibility is an option. Try to feed your pup at around the same time every day.
For house, training begins to take your Aussie outside about every half hour to an hour. They have small bladders and need to go more often.
As they grow, the time between bathroom breaks will get longer. Also, take your puppy out every time after eating.
- Praise
When your Australian shepherd puppy has success when taken out, give them plenty of exciting praise with about as much exuberance as you can muster up!
They’ll love it and just know that they did something spectacular. Hug them or pat them and tell them what a “good boy” or “girl” they are.
You can give them treats for success if you like but praise is sometimes better, plus you don’t want an overweight pup!
Rewarding your pup with a celebration is reinforcing good behavior and letting them know they’ve pleased you.
- Accidents
Alas, yes, there will be accidents. They are just puppies and need to learn, just as toddlers do. If you catch your puppy in the act, whisk them outside quickly to finish.
When you don’t see an accident happen, don’t scold, even if you’ve stepped in it and you’re horrified!
This is a missed opportunity and your Aussie will have no idea what you are reprimanding them for. Just clean it up well, so they don’t catch a whiff and go in the same area later. It’s a little bit of trial and error, but they are smart and will catch on quickly. Be patient.
- Yelling and getting physical is a no, no
When accidents happen, never yell, scream, hit, or rub their nose in it. None of these actions help, in fact, it will make things worse.
You can tell them, “no” in a firm voice to let them know it is unacceptable and that you aren’t pleased. Concentrate more on the victories with over-the-top reactions!
- Limit food and drink
Limiting food and drink certainly does not mean starving your Australian shepherd puppy! Your puppy should be fed three or four times a day when they are young and growing.
This will be cut back to two times a day as an adult. Feed your pup and then take them out to do their business afterward. There is no reason to leave food out in a bowl all day long.
This sets your pup up for becoming a picky eater, not hungry at mealtimes, an overweight puppy, and a puppy that will have accidents from eating all day long. Always do have fresh water available for your pup.
Limit food and drink at bedtime, perhaps not filling the water dish to the top. Puppy will cry or whine at night at first, letting you know they need to go out. As they get older, they will sleep through the night.
- Puppy pads
Some pet owners like to use puppy pee pads by setting them around their home so clean-up is easy. This is entirely your call, but training your pup to go outside is best.
They cannot differentiate between the puppy pads and the living room floor, so when pads are taken away, guess what’s probably going to happen?
- Success
For house training your Australian shepherd, you want to be diligent about taking them outside for potty time.
Australian shepherds are very intelligent and will soon understand what you want them to do and where.
Just have patience and stick with it and soon your pup will let you know when they have to go out by standing by the door or giving an urgent bark.
To check your Australian shepherds’ health status or their DNA checks, please visit the Embark vet website for all the help you may need.
Australian Shepherd Potty Training issues
Australian shepherd puppies may take from four to eight weeks for house training. Don’t be impatient. These are average times and every individual puppy is different.
Below are a few issues that may come up during and after potty training.

supervision or containment
Of course, your pup will have some accidents while house training and this is normal. You or someone else in your household should supervise puppies at most times, not just for house training purposes but so they don’t get into mischief or something dangerous or forbidden.
Puppies should never have a full run of your house unsupervised. If you don’t want accidents in certain rooms, such as carpeted rooms, these should be off-limits until the puppy is older and in control of its bladder.
Keep your pup in a small gated room or crate, especially at night or if you leave the house.
Crate training is a way to not only keep your puppy contained but this will be the puppy’s safe and quiet area, like a dog’s den, where the pup can go for comfort when your home is too busy and noisy. Have a soothing soft blanket and some plush dog toys and chew toys to keep them busy.
All day, no way!
Don’t ever expect your puppy or adult dog to stay inside all day with no bathroom breaks. Even when your pup’s bladder is bigger and they are in control, this is cruel and unacceptable.
Humans are not expected to do this. Take a break during your workday, if possible, to let your pup out or enlist the help of a friend or neighbor.
- Changes
Even after you consider your pup housebroken, there may be an occasional accident. If your Australian shepherd is an adult and this becomes an issue, there most likely is a cause. Changes in the household may be causing your pup some stress.
If there has been a death, divorce, someone has gone off to college, etc., one of these may be the cause.
If you can’t think of anything that’s changed, perhaps the problem could be due to a medical condition, so get your Aussie checked by their veterinarian to rule that out.
House training your Australian shepherd puppy does not have to be stressful or cause you sleepless nights.
Always be kind and gentle with your pup, have patience, and most of all, be consistent. It won’t be long before those potty training days are a distant funny memory as you and your pup seek new adventures.