All dog breeds have different temperaments and many we know simply by their reputation that precedes them. Golden retrievers are well known for their happy, friendly, and welcoming ways.
When we see other dogs or even hear their names, some of us immediately feel fear and assume they are nasty and aggressive because of what we’ve heard or seen, perhaps on television.
Breeds like the German shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman pinscher are a few breeds that come to mind but are judged unfairly as each is an individual.
Breeds are identified by their certain temperaments and behaviors, but these identifications are not always spot on. Dogs have different personalities and traits, just as each person is their own individual self.
In behavior, we can shift our dog’s habits and traits with training, encouraging good ones, and eliminating unacceptable ones as well.
Before we get our pup from a breeder, we don’t know much about our future Corgi’s surrounding environment, which also will determine certain learned behaviors. We will see how our new pup behaves in our home.
Sometimes, however, genetics may trump learned behavior in their environment and it may be hard to determine which traits are genetic and which are from the environment. We often can modify either with training.
In the following article, I will cover Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s behavior and answer the question, “Do Pembroke Welsh Corgis bark a lot?” Also included will be how to train a Corgi not to bark.

For your dog’s vitamin supplement, foods, toys, or other dogs product please visit the Health Extension website.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Behavior
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. a few definitions of the word “behavior” are:
- The way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves
- Anything that an organism does involves action, response, and stimulation
- The response of an individual, group, or species to its environment
In a description of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the American Kennel Club compliments them as ” one of the most agreeable small house dogs.”
I’m sure you’ve all encountered some small breeds that can be truly cranky and vicious, believing themselves to be a big dog in a small body, displaying the “Napoleon syndrome,” or “short-man complex.”
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi, however, may have a big body on tiny legs, but they are loving and loyal to their family and friends and want to be in their company the most.
When meeting new people, the Corgi may be a tad reserved or shy until they get to know someone, but quickly warm up.
This breed is definitely not known for aggressiveness. Once you are in their inner circle, you are a friend for life!
Pembroke Welsh Corgis also do quite well among other animals and get along famously with children. Of course, with other animals and especially children, supervision should be in place because again, dogs are individuals and can act differently than the normal behavior of the breed.
Because of their ingrained herding ability and instinct to herd, Corgis may try to herd people and small children. This can involve barking, attempts to round everyone up, and, at times, nipping heels.
This can be worrisome and scary to toddlers, but your Corgi is not being aggressive. This is their nature and what their job has been for centuries.
This does not mean it should be allowed or encouraged. Obedience training is needed to curb this instinctual habit.
Small children also need to learn to be gentle with their Corgi. Children can often be rough in play and this is why supervision is essential.
To check your Pembroke Welsh Corgis’ health status or their DNA checks, please visit the Embark vet website for all the help you may need.

Do Pembroke Welsh Corgis Bark A Lot?
The answer is a resounding “yes,” Corgis do bark a lot! Before you throw in the towel and decide that even though you had your heart set on a Corgi, you just can’t deal with a lot of barking, you should first understand why Corgis do bark.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis are energetic, and active, and do have quite a loud bark for such a small sprite!
Over the centuries, Pembroke Welsh Corgis were trained for herding cattle but also to be alert and get attention to do a good job guarding against danger from predators, strangers, etc., by “sounding the alarm.” Both of these jobs require a loud bark and lots of it to make everyone aware.
Due to centuries of barking to do a good job and to have grateful and happy owners, it’s hard to keep a Corgi quiet, but it can be accomplished.
How To Train A Corgi Not To Bark
As we know, Pembroke Welsh Corgis do bark and it’s in their blood. Unless you or your neighbors don’t mind all the barking, it will take some time, patience, and training on your part to curb this behavior.
Corgis are extremely smart and easily trainable, but sometimes, somewhat stubborn, so this may be a challenge that will take some perseverance.
When beginning training your Corgi not to bark, it’s best to start when they are a puppy. You also don’t want your poor pup to never bark as this is their way of communication with you. There are times when barking is acceptable.
You do need them to get your attention if they need to go out, they’re hungry or injured, or if they’re truly in danger, such as an intruder.
You don’t want them to keep barking, however, just to get your attention over and over like a spoiled child would pest and whine. So how do you get that happy medium? Below are some tips for a quieter home.
- Determine
Before you decide there is way too much barking and you put a stop to it, always determine why your Corgi is barking. If there is a logical explanation, then so be it, if not, we move on to the next step.
- Exercise
I know that exercise is not training, but too much boundless energy, which Corgis have, or boredom, can cause endless barking along with other undesirable behavior issues such as chewing, digging, etc.
Giving your Corgi sufficient exercise and play every day will stimulate both your Corgi’s body and mind and will prevent behavioral problems like too much barking.
This will also calm and settle them down indoors. A variety of dog puzzles are available at pet stores or online and can keep your Corgi occupied for hours.
- Introduce & Socialize
When Corgi is a puppy, introduce your pup to new things, and noises (vacuum, blender) and socialize them with new people, places, and environments.
Often dogs, bark out of fear of the unknown. A better-socialized Corgi won’t bark at strange things out of fear or with a sense of protection toward you.

- Ignore
Welsh Pembroke Corgis like to be in the mix of everything their family is doing and that means ordinary things you do around the house.
They also sometimes like to bark along while you work and have a need to seek your attention. If you ignore them when their barking is just attention-seeking for nothing, they will eventually get the idea.
Don’t yell or scream because this does give them attention and they will just keep it up. Provide them with positive reinforcement with a “what a good quiet boy,” when they are playing quietly.
- Quiet
Teaching your Corgi a command of “quiet” when barking, is a great way for peace and quiet but will take some time and patience.
With Corgi on a leash, have someone ring the doorbell, knock or do anything that triggers barking. Wait for your pup to stop barking, even for a millisecond, and say, “Quiet,” and hold a treat by their nose.
They will have to stop barking because they will smell the treat and can’t do both at the same time! While they are quite tell them what a “good dog” they are, using positive reinforcement.
Wait a few seconds and if they stay quiet, offer them the treat. Every time you practice this exercise, lengthen the time before giving them the treat. Soon, they will understand “Quiet,’ even without the treat.
- Professional help
If you just can’t get your Corgi to cease and desist with the unwarranted barking, you can always seek professional help by enlisting the services of obedience training classes, a professional trainer, or even an animal behavioral specialist.
Sometimes we need to ask for help. These people will give you and show you the necessary steps to muffle that incessant barking.
Corgis can make a great addition to your family. They are even-tempered, smart, loving, and playful. Yes, they do bark, just as many other dogs do bark.
Keep in mind, that this is one of the ways they communicate with us, so of course, you don’t want to push the mute button all the time. Just take some time, have patience, seek help if needed and give your Corgi the necessary guidance they’ll need to be the all-around delightful breed they are.