The German shepherd husky mix, also known as the Gerberian Shepsky, is a hybrid dog. Being a crossbreed between a purebred German shepherd and a purebred Siberian husky.
This breed, filled with an abundance of personality, is a blend of intelligence, protectiveness. And the loyalty of the German shepherd and the social, energetic, and friendly Siberian husky.
In the article below, we will learn about the Gerberian Shepsky. Including some information about half of this breed, the Siberian husky.
Huskies do in a way resemble wolves, but are Siberian huskies aggressive like wolves can be?
The answer to the question can be found below along with another question: what is the Gerberian Shepsky lifespan?
Some interesting information can be found in the following piece, especially if you are considering including a Gerberian Shepsky in your family.

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Siberian Husky Facts
The Siberian husky is a medium-sized dog that is a member of the working dog class, originating, of course, in Siberia. But later was found in Nome, Alaska, taken there by a Russian fur trader. Huskies are well known as sled dogs, pulling supplies with a team through bitter cold and blizzards.
The husky can weigh anywhere from thirty-five pounds to sixty pounds and its lifespan ranges from twelve to fifteen years.
Most Siberian huskies have a pleasing temperament. They are alert, intelligent, and quiet and they rarely bark. Huskies can howl and bark, but usually only do so for staking out their territory.
Huskies are almost always non-territorial dogs. Sometimes while playing with other dogs, they will make some interesting and humorous noises.
Huskies are a very social breed of dog and are happy, carefree, and very energetic. Since Siberian Huskies were used as sled dogs, they need exercise, it’s in their genes. They really need at least an hour of dynamic exercise every day. If you are a jogger or like to hike, this would be an ideal match.
The Siberian husky is easily trained because of their willingness to please and their smarts, but keep in mind that they can have an independent and stubborn streak. Huskies, being pack animals means you need to establish right from the get-go that you are the ultimate and only pack leader.
In every aspect of their training, you are the boss and you set the rules. You need to be consistent and firm.
These pups are a little high maintenance because of the thick, full coat they have. The Siberian husky sheds quite a bit every day, plus, they will shed their undercoat two times a year and this will be the full amount of their undercoat.
With daily brushing, this should not make you want to pull your hair out! Do not be alarmed by the amount of fur lost during the twice-yearly shedding. You may have piles of hair and this is totally normal for them to lose this dead hair.
To check your shepherds’ health status or their DNA checks, please visit the Embark vet website for all the help you may need.

Are Siberian Huskies Aggressive?
Just as there are no guarantees in life. There are no absolute guarantees that whatever breed of dog you get there won’t be health problems or issues of aggression.
From the calm and easygoing greyhound to the mild-mannered pug, aggression can happen. Genes from both parents play a big role in a dog’s health and temperament, disposition, and aggression.
A dog’s upbringing and training are other keys to determining part of its temperament as well. Improperly trained breeds and dogs who have been adopted, coming from homes where they have been mistreated or abused also plays an important role in the determination of a dog’s behavior.
Are Siberian huskies aggressive? No, not generally so. The Siberian husky is not a breed known to show aggression or attack. They are one of the least aggressive breeds and are very affectionate, loyal, and very socially friendly.
They can be independent and stubborn, so they do need a strong owner to lead them and show them who’s in charge and also who owns the title of pack leader.
The four breeds that are considered the most aggressive are the American pit bull terrier. The bullmastiff, the Rottweiler, and the German shepherd. Yes, half of the Gerberian shepsky can show aggressive tendencies, due to their guarding and protective nature for their family.
By crossbreeding the German shepherd and the Siberian husky, each one’s exceptional good traits will shine through and complement the others.
Crossbreeding will blend some differing traits in each and create an all-around larger-than-life personality filled with intelligence and a fun-loving good-natured way
No matter the breed, training any dog is essential and requires patience, consistency, and the attitude that you are the leader of the pack. In this way, you will raise a well-mannered and obedient German shepherd husky mix free of aggression.

Gerberian Shepsky
The Gerberian Shepsky or German shepherd husky mix is a simply magnificent-looking dog with a wolf-like appearance.
They have a thick, luxurious double coat. This coat can be gray and white or black, tan and brown and their eyes are either a striking ice blue, brown, or one of each, known as heterochromia.
Gerberian Shepskies can weigh up to eighty-eight pounds and are quite solid, sturdy, and strong. The German shepherd husky mix will acquire the temperament of both the German shepherd and the Siberian husky.
They will have the intellect and guarding tendencies, plus the loyalty of German shepherds and the sociability and playfulness of Siberian huskies.
This melding of qualities makes the Gerberian Shepsky an excellent family dog but protective as well. They are also willing and quick to learn, making training an easy feat.

Lifespan Of a Gerberian Shepsky
The lifespan of a German shepherd is nine to thirteen years. While a Siberian husky’s lifespan is twelve to fifteen years. The Gerberian Shepsky dog’s lifespan is from ten to fifteen years, somewhere in between the two.
Just like with aggression, lifespan can be as individual as your dog is. With proper health care and good nutrition with high-quality food and plenty of exercises, your Gerberian Shepsky may exceed the top lifespan age.
Keep in mind that genetic predisposition; with both parents, playing an important role is a key factor in aggressive or non-aggressive behavior as well as their health and lifespan.
Significant factors in raising any dog and in raising a Gerberian Shepsky are in seeking out a reputable breeder, training, patience, consistency, love, and especially time.
Owning a dog is a responsibility and time are needed for the successful raising and nurturing of a happy, healthy, Gerberian Shepsky and making them a member of your family.