Siberian huskies were originally bred for protection and to pull cargo on sleds for the indigenous people, the Chukchi, in bitterly cold Siberia which is north of the Arctic Circle.
Today huskies are still drawn to the outdoors, especially in cold weather, sporting a double-thick coat, being both warm, insulated, and waterproof.
They resemble and are often mistaken for wolves, but are, in fact, domesticated and make wonderful family pets.
When considering an addition of a Siberian husky to your family, you may want to learn about their behavior, especially if your home already includes any theatrical teenagers.
Huskies are extremely friendly and fun-loving dogs but can also be somewhat dramatic with their ever-large personalities!
They could possibly win an Academy award at times with their sometimes amusing portrayal of a drama queen just as teenagers play that part well too.
If your household includes any teenagers, this could possibly tip drama “over the top.!”
In the following post, information is included to answer the question, “why are huskies so dramatic?” Also contained in the article; is their drama always linked to aggression and how to deal with an aggressive husky as well as other behavior problems.

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Why Are Huskies So Dramatic?
There are many breeds that are quiet, and obedient and you rarely know they’re around. On the other hand, some small dogs bark and yap continuously, either for attention or trying to prove themselves, “small but mighty.”
Siberian Huskies can be excessively vocal, not often with barking, but with whimpering, whining, howling, moaning, and even sounds as if they were talking to us.
Many huskies have gone viral on TikTok lately with their hilarious antics, funny sounds, and theatrics.
When wondering why your husky is always displaying drama, you must first understand the husky, its mentality, and its ancestry.
To check your Huskies’ health status or their DNA checks, please visit the Embark vet website for all the help you may need.

Huskies are descendants of wolves and lived as pack animals in Siberia and Alaska where daylight is very dim for a good part of the year.
In the darkness, while hunting, the pack communicated with vocalizations. This is the reason huskies are a very vocal breed and this is the way they convey their needs, happiness, and displeasure in trying to communicate with us.
We, of course, do not speak their language, so for us, their owners, it is important to figure out what all of the drama means.
Sometimes we may not be able to figure it out and they may just be acting goofy because that’s sometimes what a husky does!
The more you get to know your husky, listen to their diverse vocalizations and study their body language, you’ll soon learn exactly what they are trying to communicate to you. Below are some of the reasons huskies are so dramatic.
Reactive drama
Siberian Huskies are found to be “reactive” dogs, which means they may display certain reactions to different surroundings.
They are a very alert and intelligent breed, so they may become dramatic from any unusual sounds they may hear such as sirens wailing, dogs barking or even a baby crying.
They may howl or make noises that you can’t decipher but often they are trying to mimic the sounds they hear. They may also be trying to convey something about the sounds to you or another dog.
Two huskies communicating with body language and vocalization are truly comical. When husks are dramatic they are loud and two huskies are over the top!
Acting out and howling can also be instinctive. Again, when a siren is heard they may think the siren is wailing and communicating with them, thus joining in.
If you have a baby and they cry, your husky may cry or whimper for several reasons. They may want to join in with the crying and “howling,” they may be trying to soothe or reassure the baby or they may be trying to alert you to the baby’s distress.
Another reason for the drama, a big one, is plain and simple; to communicate. Your husky may be very vocal, loud, or both when trying to communicate their needs to you. Check out their body language at these times.
Your husky may be hungry, need to go out, want to play, be in pain, or even just be bored and want attention.
Husky’s like to have our full attention at all times and they are also known to throw a full-fledged temper tantrum, just like a two or three-year-old child.
If they begin howling like their ancestors the wolf, they may hear another dog in the distance howling and want to have a conversation.
Huskies can also be quite stubborn at times. If something causes them stress, especially something they don’t want to do or something they’re afraid of they are going to let you know in a really big way. This will be up to you to see what is triggering this bad behavior.
Because huskies have a double coat and are covered with fur everywhere, they can become overheated in very hot weather. This may be another cause for communication.
Try to keep your pup indoors when it’s warm and humid and in air conditioning if possible. Never leave your husky in the hot car either even for a short period of time. This can turn deadly.

How To Deal With an Aggressive Husky
Huskies can be absolute drama queens but this breed is rarely aggressive. They are mostly a friendly and playful breed. This is not to say that a husky or any other mild-mannered breed can’t become aggressive.
Below are some tips on preventing aggression and how to deal with an aggressive husky.
When you are making the addition a Siberian husky to your family, choose only a reputable breeder with good references, visit the breeding facility and view both parents, Make sure both are calm, and stable, and question the breeder about any genetic or behavioral problems.
Make sure your puppy is well socialized with people, places, and other animals. Take them to as many places as you are able and let them experience different situations and atmospheres. Huskies are a very social breed, so this shouldn’t be difficult to accomplish.
All breeds need the training to own an obedient and well-mannered dog. Training should begin at an early age and exposing your husky pup to formal training will not only give them the essential training they need but help you with the process and provide them with extra important socialization with people and dogs.

Dealing with aggression in dogs
The Siberian husky is one of the least likely breeds to exhibit aggression, but it can happen. If your husky shows signs of aggression as a puppy or an adult you need to deal with this issue immediately and not sweep the problem under the rug.
Doing so can become dangerous. It could be a case of just an isolated incident, where something triggered aggression like growling, lunging, or snapping, but you need to pinpoint exactly what the trigger could be and avoid it if able.
Dealing with aggression is necessary because the situation is not safe especially if children are involved.
If you allow these outbursts to become constant until even you are afraid of your dog, this is not good for you, your family or you’re husky.
From the beginning, you should always own the title and command of the pack leader. Huskies are pack animals and accustomed to the order of the pack.
They should always know you are in charge by being consistent and firm so they do not become unruly and rebellious.
When your husky throws themselves into drama mode, their behavior should either be ignored or corrected firmly.
Laughing and thinking it’s funny and cute, even if it is, is just giving them an acceptable reaction to bad behavior and allowing them to think that it’s okay for more drama, which will only escalate as time goes by.
Many reasons can be the cause of aggression such as adopting an older husky that was not properly socialized or perhaps abused.
Certain situations or noises can trigger aggressive behavior or even fear. You may find the answer and you may not but aggression needs to be dealt with at the start.
It just shows that you are out of control and it’s okay for them to be out of control as well.
Obedience classes are a good way to help with aggression. You will learn how to deal with your husky’s aggression from a professional.
Reward good behavior always when your husky is well-mannered and calm.
Huskies also need plenty of exercises so they can use up all of that stored energy and don’t become bored. Bad behavior can be the result of boredom.
If you are clearly struggling with signs of aggression, have your pup checked out with their veterinarian. There could be a physical reason for aggression.
Your pup may be in some sort of pain or have an underlying medical condition. Seek help from their veterinarian. They will have suggestions and may recommend a behavioral therapist.
Siberian Huskies are loyal, show affection and love, and are tons of fun, making a great addition to your family.
Your husky will probably be dramatic from time to time, but remaining calm and ignoring their antics will usually cause them to be less dramatic unless of course there’s a good cause for drama.
Remember that huskies are generally not an aggressive breed and mostly are happy-go-lucky dogs but if your pup is showing any signs of aggression, don’t ignore it and seek the help of their veterinarian for some advice to help you feel more confident in dealing with the situation.